In the past 5 Years we have handled well in excess 100 million dollars of commercial financing transactions for our business clients

Thinking of buying or selling a business?

Buying or Selling a Business is a process that can proceed painlessly if you have an experienced lawyer. There are so many things to consider. Should you buy or sell assets or shares? What is the difference and what are the tax consequences? Are there agreements or leases that affect your business? What about other creditors or other liabilities? How do I arrange financing.  The list of questions is long and it depends on the type of business and your specific business plan and needs.  There is no such thing as a "one size fits all solution".  That is why you need an experienced lawyer who can tailor the transaction to fit your needs. 

As soon as you are thinking about buying or selling a business you need to be talking to an Experienced Lawyer. Consulting a lawyer after you have signed the contract is often too late and may cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The biggest mistake clients make is waiting to long to talk to us.  I think they believe that will save them legal fees.  It often means that the they have made commitment that will cost them money and increase their legal fees - Terry Cooper 

In the last ten years alone we have been involved in business acquisitions and sales exceeding 200 Million dollars. In the past 5 year we have been involve in corporate financing well in excess of 100 million dollars. We believe that no other Law Firm in Wood Buffalo has this experience.

In business the keys to success are: initiative and hard work, a good management team, a good accounting team and a good legal team. 

We would like to be part of your Team.  Come and talk to us. We are here to help and would be happy to provide you with a free consultation.


To have our Team of Business Lawyers be on your team

Call Us Today at 780-791-7787Email Us